Using the right Negative Marking Strategy to excel NEET PG

Students must go through every detail of the NEET PG examination before the day of the exam arrives. Knowing about the exam pattern before appearing helps to prepare the aspirant mentally. The NEET PG marking arrangement is among the key factors in determining a candidate’s outcome. The NEET PG 2022 marking scheme is essential for anyone planning to sit the test. The NEET PG marking scheme comprises three parameters: the category of questions, the overall number of questions, and the marking scheme. NEET PG will use a negative grading system for incorrect answers.

The NEET PG marking scheme is essential in determining a student’s fate. Because of the negative marking system, a student’s score in NEET PG 2021 may suffer because of losing marks to wrong answers. Advisors recommend not answering questions one doesn’t know the solution to avoid the negative marking.

NEET PG – Highlights

Before preparing strategies for the entrance exam, aspirants must first comprehend the NEET PG 2022 exam pattern. The following indicators provide vital information about the exam pattern.

Exam Date and Mode: The date for the NEET PG exam is scheduled by the NBE. The medical PG test will be held in a computer-based style on the revised NEET PG exam date.

Test Language: The NEET PG exam will be administered in English.

Exam Time: Candidates will have a total of 3 hours 30 minutes to answer NEET PG 2021 questions, according to the authorities.

Categories of questions and overall marks– NEET PG 2021 will have multiple-choice questions with a maximum score of 800.

The total number of questions – According to the NEET PG test pattern, the question paper will have a total of 200 questions.

Sections: The NEET PG exam was previously broken into three portions, with each component having a different number of questions. For the NEET PG 2021 exam, though, no such arrangement has been declared. The NEET PG exam paper will have a total of 200 objective questions.

Marking Scheme for NEET PG

Type of questions: NEET-PG will have objective-type questions, meaning candidates will be given four options for each question. They must select an answer from only these options.

The number of questions – Candidates will be evaluated based on 200 questions. Candidates can view the NEET PG 2022 syllabus to learn about the types of questions that may be asked in the exam.

NEET PG marking scheme – The total weightage of the question paper is 800, which means that each question is worth four points. The scheme is as follows:

  • A student will obtain four marks if they rightly answer a question.
  • One mark is subtracted if the answer is wrong.
  • If a student decides not to answer a question, no marks will be awarded or subtracted for that question.
  • Suppose a question has been tagged for review. In that case, it will be treated as answered at the end of the assessment and graded according to the criteria listed previously.

Negative Marking Strategy to excel in NEET PG

Avoid Guesswork

After two hours into the exam, students begin making wild guesses to attempt more questions, resulting in them attempting questions they are doubtful of. Students must realize that the exam is not a place to try their luck. Additionally, it is frequently observed that guesswork-based approaches result in bad scoring. In most cases, such students do not make the merit list. As a result, the aim is to use speculation only for questions about which you have some knowledge and leave the questions about which you are unsure.

Attempt the Easy Questions First

To reduce tension, identify the straightforward questions and begin your set with them. Because stress harms a student’s confidence, the best strategy is to start with easier questions. This directly impacts a student’s psychology since it restores the student’s faith in himself. It’s as if you’re warming up your brain in preparation for the upcoming difficult questions. On the other hand, starting with difficult questions causes pupils to become more stressed, causing them to mark incorrect answers, even for familiar questions.

Read the Questions Properly

During the exam, pay close attention to the questions and options. It is one of the most important strategies for avoiding negative marking. Read the questions carefully and be mindful of terms like not, except, and others. Such words are frequently ignored by students, resulting in incorrect selections being marked. Students must be confident that they understand the question before marking the answer. When the answer to an MCQ is all of the above, students can become caught if they just read one or two answers. Because the questions in NEET are designed to be challenging and ambiguous, go over the options carefully and understand the answers correctly.

Prepare in Advance with Mock Tests

Taking a mock test offered at Egurukul is the finest approach to assessing your faults and skills. If you make it a habit to give mock exams, you’ll be less likely to receive negative markings. As a result, strive to complete as many mock exams as possible before your exam. This will benefit in self-evaluation, raise your speed, and hone your approach to questions to avoid receiving any negative marks.

Effective Time Management

Another way to avoid negative marking is to divide your time effectively. The goal is to find the best questions for you to answer. If you schedule adequate time for revision, you will have no time for negative marking since you will spend most of your time analyzing questions that you can answer using your expertise rather than wasting time reading new questions. Begin by identifying the questions you are most comfortable answering. If you get stuck on a question, don’t take too much time answering it, and eliminate speculation as much as possible. Give no more than one minute to a question; instead, select a question you are sure about.

Calculated Risks

Don’t be scared to take chances based on prior information. It will be easy to answer more than 170 questions. The remaining questions are designed to assess your analytical abilities. Nobody can be certain of the answers to these questions. The NEET PG examiners are interested in your thinking skills as well as your IQ. Those who attempt 50-80 questions using their reasoning ability and the elimination technique will be considered qualifying. You will make a significant mistake if you surrender to stress or refuse to believe your intuition on such questions.

Don’t forget the Questions Marked for Review

When you see a question, make an effort to answer it if you are entirely sure. If not, then see the options carefully. If you can remove one or more alternatives, make a guess and mark it once. If the question is utterly unknown to you, don’t answer it. Finally, skim over the marked questions in the end. Then it would help if you worked on your elimination strategy. If you believe you need to alter the answer to a particular question, go ahead and do so. Make the most of the exam’s remaining time and make the best decisions you can for such questions.


While preparation is essential, the primary measure of a student’s knowledge and ability comes when they sit for the exam. What matters other than one’s existing knowledge and intellect is the candidate’s presence of mind and accuracy in answering questions that the students are familiar with and their cleverness in answering questions about which they are unsure. According to the NEET PG structure, students receive four points for each accurate response. One point is deducted for each incorrect answer. The best way to tackle negative marking in the NEET PG 2022 examination is through enough practice. 

Visit the egurukul app to get the right learning experience for NEET PG with video lectures and test series.


  1. Is there going to be any negative marking in NEET?

In NEET 2021, there will be negative marking for wrong responses.

  1. In NEET, what is the weightage of each correct response?

In NEET, each right answer is worth four points.

  1. What are the maximum NEET marks?

The NEET question paper will be worth 800 points in total.

  1. In NEET PG , would NBE deduct marks for unanswered questions?

No. Candidates’ marks in NEET PG 2021 will not be affected by unaddressed questions.

  1. How much time would I have to complete the NEET PG question paper?

Candidates will have 3 hours and 30 minutes to complete the NEET PG 2021 question paper.

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