Mistakes to avoid on exam day

Anyone who has ever written a competitive exam knows the feeling of intense anxiety that follows the night before the exam, keeping the sleep away, making you twist and turn all through the night. And it gets almost crippling the day of the exam. Some people have troubled bowel movements, few sweats profusely, and others feel nauseated. Whatever the symptoms may be, pre-exam anxiety is a real problem. 

When every little thing can impact the result, you must not let the anxiety take over and ruin everything. With the NEET-PG in a few months and the AIIMS PG entrance exam right around the corner, avoiding the mistakes mentioned in this article might turn out to be the thing that helps you get over the line and into your dream college. 

Not getting a good night’s sleep.  

For most PG aspirants, it is very tough to get a good sleep a night before the exam, but it is also equally crucially to be rested adequately on the exam day. Not having a good sleep can lead to several issues, especially on a stressful day, slower problem-solving abilities, palpitations, and unnecessary sweating, to name a few. You should aim for at least 7 hours, if not more; an excellent way to do that will be to sleep in a cold and darkroom, having chamomile tea before sleeping, and maybe try working out, which will help ease out the nerves and get some sleep.  

Studying till the last second.  

The feeling of being unconfident and unsure about your exam preparation is not uncommon but solving mock tests and revising things on the morning of the exam or up till a few seconds before the exam can be like digging a hole for yourself. If you cannot recall something or cannot force a concept into your memory, it is likely to rile you up and push you into an endless loop of uncertainty and anxiety. The better thing to do is to stop revising on the evening before the exam, and it gives you more than enough time to take care of a topic if you have problems with it. 

Searching for the documents.  

Not finding your admit card on the morning of the exam or looking for an open printing shop to print out your admit card is one of the nightmares every PG aspirant has had. And you should avoid turning nightmares into reality when trying to give life to your dreams. It would be best if you took out some time to read the guidelines providing and prepare all the necessary documents the night before the examination, be it your admit card or the identity proof. Collect all the required documents and put them on your nightstand or the centre table or anywhere easily accessible to you. 

Dressing up for the occasion.  

We have all heard and implemented the saying, “dress up for the occasion.” But your exam day is one of those rare situations where you must dress down for the occasion because dressing up can land you in trouble. Wearing your necklace or lucky bracelet or even carrying earphones will end up halting your smooth sails during the security checks. Double-check the provided guidelines and make sure you follow the dress code for the exam. Do not take any phone, smartwatch, or any other electronics with you. Exam centres also do not have the provision to keep bags or other personal stuff, and neither beverages nor eatables are allowed inside the exam hall. 

The correct breakfast.  

According to multiple theories throughout history, breakfast helps jump-start your body, keeps it active, and improves your brain function. As important as it is to have breakfast, choosing the correct breakfast is equally if not more important. Instead of having a three-course meal, opt for foods that are easier to digest that keep you full for longer, and help with bowel movements. A bowl of oats with a banana and some freshly squeezed juice is the ideal option. Try to avoid coffee if you can, as it is known to induce anxiety-like symptoms.  

Leaving late from your house.  

One thing that always keeps most Indians on edge is sitting in traffic waiting for the car in the front of you to move even half an inch, and God forbid, if it starts to rain, it is nothing short of a massacre. Now think sitting there getting late for the exam you have prepared for day-in, and night-out sounds like an ephialtes, doesn’t it? Wouldn’t you want to avoid that and reach peacefully without the excess headaches? Reaching early also lets you familiarise yourself with the battlefield, giving you a wee bit extra advantage. So, wake up early, have your breakfast and leave early, do not get to all those last-minute time crunch situations.  

Rushing through the exam.  

All the pre-exam procedures are intimidating enough to make anyone overwhelmed. You reach the exam hall following multiple security checks, then you must sit there waiting for the exam to begin, and your heart starts racing. As soon as the exam starts, you start solving it with your heart still thumping and your mind swamped. At that moment, it is paramount that you find a way to calm yourself down before beginning the exam. Try closing your eyes and taking a few deep breaths, then read the instruction and get on with the exam. Remember, there is negative marking; a wrong answer will hurt you more than a missed one. 

Waking up on the day of the exam that has been your life’s sole mission for the past several months or years is the most stressful you will ever feel. There are no pre-written rules or concrete tips and tricks to relieve that stress or completely take it away. However, some things can be done to reduce its extent and give you that little calmness before attempting the exam.    

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