Topics Need to Prepare for NEET PG 2021

Important and high yield topics in OPHTHALMOLOGY for NEET PG 2021

  1. Surgeries of cataract
  2. IOL formula
  3. POAG
  4. Anti Glaucoma Drugs
  5. Sympathetic ophthalmitis
  6. Endophthalmitis
  7. Fundus image 
  8. Bull’s eye maculopathy
  9. Histo of Retina
  10. Anisocoria
  11. Pupillary reactions
  12. Ocular manifestation of systemic disease
  13. Ocular side effects of systemic drugs
  14. Test in squint
  15. Proptosis
  16. Chemical injuries
  17. Trauma
  18. Investigation tools in Ophthalmology
  19. Corneal transplantation eye banking
  20. Tumours

Important and high yield topics in MICROBIOLOGY – I & II for NEET PG 2021

  1. Covid 19
  2. Sterilization and disinfectants
  3. BMW
  4. HAIs, types and MDR organism
  5. Lab acquired infections
  6. Hospital infection control practices including standard precautions
  7. Hypersensitivity
  8. Immunodeficiency diseases
  9. Tuberculosis and anti tubercle agents
  10. Lab diagnostic methods of infectious diseases from basics staining to molecular methods
  11. Vector borne diseases
  12. Dermatophytes
  13. Candidosis
  14. Mycetoma
  15. Rhinosporidiosis
  16. Microsporidiosis
  17. Dimorphic fungi
  18. Cryptococcosis
  19. Aspergillosis and zygomycosis
  20. PCP
  21. Antifungal agents
  22. Amoebiasis
  23. Leishmaniasis
  24. Plasmodium
  25. Crypto, cyclo and isospora
  26. Cysticercosis
  27. Echinococcosis
  28. Schistosomiasis
  29. Intestinal nematode infections
  30. Filariasis
  31. Herpes virus
  32. HPV
  33. Influenza virus and flu like illnesses
  34. Rabies
  35. Viral exanthems 
  36. Hepatitis and HIV viruses 
  37. Viral hemorrhagic fever
  38. Microbial agents of bioterrorism 
  39. Agents of food poisoning 
  40. Diarreagenic Eschrechia coli 
  41. Enteric fever  
  42. Staphylococcal and Streptococcal infections 
  43. Gas gangrene 
  44. Actinomycosis and Nocardiosis
  45. Rickettsial infections 
  46. Ulcerative genital diseases: Syphilis, LGV, Chancroid, granuloma inguinal & genital herpes 
  47. Bacterial and viral agents of meningitis

Important and high yield topics in PEDIATRICS  for NEET PG 2021

  1. Milestone
  2. Short stature
  3. HMD and TTNB
  4. Neonatal reflexes
  5. Neonatal jaundice
  6. HIE
  7. Neonatal resuscitation
  8. Cong heart disease
  9. NTD
  10. fabrile seizues
  11. Cerebral palsy
  12. Epilepsy
  13. Brain tumors
  14. Neurocutaneous syndromes
  15. Glomerulonephirits
  16. Nephrotic syndrome
  17. Cong cystik kidney disease
  18. VUR
  19. Celiac disease
  20. HPS
  21. Dehydratiob disease children
  22. Reye syndrome
  23. Larayngomalacia
  24. Croup
  25. Bronchiolitis
  26. Cystic Fibrosis
  27. Leukemia
  28. Neuroblastoma
  29. HIV in children
  30. TB management children common childhood infectious ( measles, chicken pox, mumps)
  31. Cong hypothyroidism
  32. Pubertal disorders

Important and high yield topics in PHARMACOLOGY- I & II for NEET PG 2021

  1. General pharmacology
  • Bioavailability and absorption concept
  • Volume of distribution
  • First and zero order kinetics
  • Dose response curve
  • Management of anaphylaxis
  • Teratogenicity and category x
  • Clinical trials
  • Drug schedules
  • Antidotes for drug toxicity
  1. ANS pharmacology
  • Adrenaline dilution and uses
  • Atropine uses
  • Effect of adrenaline, noradrenaline, isoprenaline, dopamine and doubtamine on heart And blood vessels and their therapeautic uses
  • Pharmacotherapy of OP poisoning
  • Pharmacotherapy of overactive bladder, glaucoma
  • Beta blockers
  1. Autacoids
  • Drugs for motion sickness
  • Prostaglandin preparations and uses
  • Aspirin pharmacology
  • Paracetamol toxicity and antidote
  • Pharmacotherapy of gout, migraine and rheumatoid arthritis( please remember newer drugs with mechanism of action)
  1. CVS pharmacology
  • Mechanism of action of nitrates in angina and newer drugs for angina
  • Digoxim pharmacology
  • Drugs decreasing mortality in chronic CHF and newer drugs used in CHF
  • Pharmacotherapy of hypertension based on co morbid conditions
  1. Endocrine pharmacology
  • Insulin preparations, metformin, DDPIV inhibitors, SGLT 2 inhibitors
  • Bromocriptine and octreotide uses
  • Bisphosphonates MOA and uses
  • Pharmacotherapy of BPH, erectile dysfunction and androgen receptor antagonists
  • Tamoxifen, raloxifene and clomiphene citrate
  • Emergency contraceptives
  1. Antimicrobials: anti bacterial drugs
  • Mechanism of action of all antimicrobials group
  • Treatment of choice for all infections
  • Treatment of MRSA, pseudomonas, CAP, STDs and malaria
  • Antimicrobials safe in renal failure and hepatic failure
  • Recent guidelines for TB, leprosy and HIV treatment
  • Pharmacology of first line anti TB drugs and bedaquilline delamanid pharmacology
  • Antimicrobials safe in pregnancy
  1. Antimicrobials: anti bacterial drugs
  • Mechanism of action of all antimicrobials group
  • Treatment of choice for all infections
  • Treatment of MRSA, pseudomonas, CAP, STDs and malaria
  • Antimicrobials safe in renal failure and hepatic failure
  • Recent guidelines for TB, leprosy and HIV treatment
  • Pharmacology of first line anti TB drugs and bedaquilline delamanid pharmacology
  • Antimicrobials safe in pregnancy
  1. Respiratory pharmacology
  • Beta 2 agonist, anticholinergics and inhaled corticosteroids
  • Pharmacotherapy of pulmonary hypertension
  1. GIT pharmacology
  • PPIs and H. Pylori eradication
  • CINV and motion sickness treatment
  • Drugs used for IBS
  1. Drugs affecting blood and blood formation
  • MOA of anticoagulants, monitoring and antidotes
  1. Anticancer drugs
  • MOA and major ADRs of anticancer drugs
  • Drugs for breast cancer
  • New anticancer drugs mainly for JIPMER exam
  1. Immunomodulators drugs
  • Tacrolimus, cyclosporine, sirolimus and interleukin and TNF Alpha antagonist

Important and high yield topics in MEDICINE- I & II for NEET PG 2021


  • ECG Most Important
  • At Least One Question Expected; Particulary Important STEMI VS NSTEMI, Changes in Electrolyte Imbalances, Arrythmias PSVT, AFIB, Atrial Flutier, VFIB,
  • RHD-MS, MR, AS, AR With Murmurs, Mx
  • Pericardial Diseases
  • MI: Particularly Management
  • Infective Endocarditis : Duke’s Criteral
  • Classification of Shock: Approach Based Q

  • Approach to PFT, Dico, Volume Curves
  • Pneumoconiosis: Particulary Asbestosis, HSP
  • Pulmonary Embolism: Appraoch, Radiology 4. Sarcoidosis – Diagnostic Features
  • ARDS – criteria, ventilation basics

  • AKI: Criteria, Biomarkers
  • CKD: Manifestations, Stages
  • Glomerulonephritis -H / P Most important
  • Renal Tubular Acidosis – Differences

  • Approach to Malabsorption
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease: CD VS UC VS GI TB; Extraintestinal Manifestations
  • Viral / alcoholic / autoimmune Hepatitis: Criteria, Differences
  • Acute Pancreatitis: Revised Atlanta Classification, Criteria, Mx

  • Vasculitis: CHAPEL HILL Classification Most Important
  • SLE, Systemic Sclerosis, RA, Gout
  • Behcets Disease
  • Wilson’s, Hemochromatosis

  • Pituitary Adenoma, Sheehan Syndrome, Lymphocytic Hypophysitis
  • Galactorrhea – amenorrhea Syndrome
  • Disorders of Calcium Metabolism
  • MEN Syndromes
  • Diabetes: Mx, MODY (to Be Done With Pharmacology)

  • Specific EEG Changes Stroke: Approach, Mx, Window
  • Epilepsy: Causes, Mx (to Be Done
  • With Pharmacology)
  • Dementia And Movement Disorders: Mx (to Be Done With Pharmacology)
  • Multiple Sclerosis, ADEM
  • Myasthenia Gravis

  • Metabolic Acidosis
  • Metabolic Alkalosis
  • Respiratory Acidosis
  • Respiratory Alkalosis
  • Hypercalcemia
  • Hyperkalemia

Important and high yield topics in BIOCHEMISTRY for NEET PG 2021

  1. Inborn errors of metabolism of peroxisomes
  2. Hyper lipoproteinemias
  3. Fat soluble vitamins
  4. Water soluble vitamins
  5. Post transcriptional modifications in RNA
  6. Enzymes, Co factors and Co enzymes
  7. Urea cycle and disorders associated with ured cycle
  8. Transmination
  9. Oxidative deamination
  10. Heme synthesis and degradation
  11. Dietary fibers
  12. Translation, Replication and Transcription
  13. Phosphorylation and phosphorylation of enzymes
  14. Glycogen storage diseases
  15. Phenylketonuria
  16. Rothera test, Ketone bodies
  17. Fuel for body in fed, fasting and starvation
  18. 18. Diabetes and Insulin
  19. Thermogenic effect
  20. Hybridization techniques

Important and high yield topics in ENT for NEET PG 2021

  1. Anatomy of middle ear and facial nerve
  2. Hearing test – Tuning fork
  3. Audiometry n tympanometry
  4. BERA and OAE
  5. Caloric test & Fistula test
  6. Otitis media with complications
  7. Surgeries of ear
  8. Glomus tumor
  9. Otosclerosis
  10. Ménière’s disease
  11. BPPV and superior canal dehiscence
  12. Cochlear
  13. Implant Common syndrome with hearing loss
  14. Larynx anatomy
  15. Tonsil anatomy
  16. Tonsillectomy
  17. Angiofibroma
  18. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
  19. Laryngeal carcinoma, VC nodule, and polyp
  20. Tracheostomy
  21. Lateral wall of nose anatomy
  22. Sinusitis DNS
  23. Nasal polyps
  24. Rhinosporidiosis
  25. Rhinoscleroma
  26. Fractures
  27. Inverted papilloma
  28. Sinonasal carcinoma

Important and high yield topics in SURGERY-I & II for NEET PG 2021

1. Trauma: In general is important though just go thru primary survey concept

  • Thoracic trauma, various types of thoracotomies
  • Investigation part of abdo minal trauma
  • Retroperitoneum zones 
  • Transfusion.  Protocol

2. General surgery

  • MUST score
  • Complications of TPN
  • SSI risk factors and prevention
  • Compartment syndrome
  • Necrotizing soft tissue infection (Fournier gangrene)
  • Laparoscopic surgery principal and disadvantages
  • VAC dressing
  • Day case surgery
  • Suture material
  • PPE

3. Burns: classification of burn and how to identify particular degree in linage also inhalational burn signs

4. Breast: CA breast staging / molecular classification and new gene testings.

5. Thyroid

  • Approach to thyroid nodule
  • Prognostic scores
  • Papillary thyroid ca features –
  • Thyroglossal cyst
  • Parathyroid
  • Miami criteria
  • Men syndrome

6. Incidentalloma management

7. Urology

  • Renal stone management
  • Paraneoplastic syndrome with RCC
  • Testicular malignancy staging and management
  • Torsion testis

8. GIT

  • Esophageal perforation investigations – Malory Weiss tear
  • Barrett’s esophagus
  • Upper GI bleed approach
  • Postgastrectomy complications
  • Bariatric sx indications
  • Classification of bariatric procedure
  • Modified child pugh score and MELD
  • Barcelona clinic criteria
  • Management of bile duct injury
  • Tokyo  classification
  • Management of ca gall bladder
  • Acute pancreatitis management
  • Risk factors for ca pancreas
  • Adynamic obstruction paralytic ileus
  • Colorectal ca staging and management

9. Hernia

  • Types of mesh ventral hernia classification

10. Miscellaneous

  • Cleft lip and palate repair

11. Frey’s syndrome

  • Types of neck dissection
  • Nerves at risk in sublingual / sub mandibular / parotid sx

12. Aneurysm

  • Aortic dissection
  • Risk factor  for DVT
  • Ceap
  • Major risk surgeries

Important and high yield topics in PSM for NEET PG 2021

  1. .  EpidemiologyTypes of studies, Trials, Meta analysis, Evidence Bosed Medicine. 
  2. Health & Disease: PQU / HDI Types of Epidomio, ICD – 10/11.
  3. Vaccine & Cold Chain: Types of Vaccine, Immunization Schedule, AEFIS
  4. History of Medicine: Namos of Scientist. 
  5. Screening.  Sensitivity, Specificity.  Screening Test, Validity, ROC. 
  6. Communicable Disease: Measles, Rubella, TB, HINI, Covid, HIV, Hep.  A / E
  7. NCD: Obesity Indices, Blindness
  8. National Health Program: RNTCP, NVBDCP, NREGA, PNDT, NACP, NLEP
  9. Demography: Census, Indicators, Definitions
  10. Nutrition: RDA, Mid – Day Meal Reference Men Women Dof  .  aso. 
  11. Proventive Obstetrics: Values, ICDS, JSSK, RCH
  12. Contraception: Pearl Index, MTP, 3rd Gen.  Contraception. 
  13. Environment Chlorination, Entomology, Waste Disposal BMW
  14. Health Communication: Lecture, FGD
  15. Health Care: Health Center, Primary Health Carea Health Committeo, Management tochnique,
  16. Occupational Health: ESI, Lead Poisoning.  Pneumoconiosis
  17. Biostatics

Important and high yield topics in OBS & GYNAE for NEET PG 2021


  1. Congenital mulleria.mullerian malformation
  2. Amenorrhea
  3. PCOS
  8. Urogynecology


  4. Hypertension
  5. Diabetes
  6. Aph
  7. Pph
  8. Miscarriages
  9. Cervical incompetence
  10. Molar preg
  11. CTG, PARTOGRAM, Labor

Important and high yield topics in PATHOLOGY- I &II for NEET PG 2021


  • Cell Adaptation Example Reversible and irreversible injury mechanism, EG of Necrosis, Apoptotic genes & markers, Pigments & Lipofuscin Free radicals
  • Inflammation Cellular events of inflammation, Mediators of inflammation, Examples and types of granuloma
  • Immunity Nk Cell, TLR  , NLR, APCs, MHCs, Hypersensitivity reactions Graft rejection, Amyloidosis Hemodynamics Types of thrombosis, infarct, Septic shock
  • Neoplasia cell cycle, Important oncogenes and TSG, Tumor markers, IHC
  • Genetics Human genome project.  Eg Of Mendelian disorders, Non mendelian disorder, New techniques
  • FISH, Microarray. 


  • WBC Disorders WHO 2016 classification of Acute Leukemia, CMPN, Lymphomas, Acute leukaemia
  • stains, CD markers, NHL
  • CLL, Burkitts Hodgkin’s lymphoma
  • RBC Disorders: Hereditary spherocytosis, GOPD def, Thalassemia and sickle cell anaemia, IDA.  platelets Defects in primary and secondary plug, inherited thrombophilia



  • CVS Vascular sclerosis, Histology of vasculitis, MI microscopy changes, vegetations, Myxoma
  • Lungs ARDS, Pnemoconiosis, Lung Ca – GIT Barrett’s, Celiac and whipples, Intestinal polyps, IBD, Ca stomach and intestine
  • Liver Cirrhosis, Alcoholic  liver disease, Hepatitis
  • serology and histology.  HCC
  • Kidney Casts, Glomerular disease
  • PSGN, RPGN.  MGN.  IGA nephropathy.  Aplorts, Pyelonephritis, RCC – CNS Congenital malformations, Alzheimer’s disease, CNS tumors

Important and high yield topics in ANATOMY for NEET PG 2021

  1. Parasympathetic ganglion and sympathetic chain.
  2. Deep cervical fascia
  3. Cavernous sinus
  4. Muscles of mastication, larynx and extra – ocular (with image)
  5. Great auricular & auriculotemporal nerve in relation to parotid surgery.
  6. Spinal cord tracts, related lemniscus and BS syndrome
  7. Brainstem syndromes (specially weber & Wallenberg)
  8. Cerebral areas (specially Broca’s, Wernicke’s & limbic lobe)
  9. White matter (specially fornix and internal capsule)
  10. Cranial verve nuclei & columns
  11. Germ layer formation & Neural crest cells derivatives
  12. Pharyngeal arches & arch arteries
  13. Genital duct derivatives
  14. Diaphragm (development & gross)
  15. Interior of heart, surface marking & coronary circulation
  16. Muscles attached + o upper end of humerus & hand muscles (specially interossei)
  17. Peripheral verve injuries (Radial, ulnar & median)
  18. Muscle attached to upper end of femur
  19. Sciatic nerve
  20. Peritoneum (specially lower sac and * epiploic foramen)
  21. Perineum
  22. Histology – Cartilages, skeletal muscle, lymphoid organs, seromucous glands

Must Read: Handwritten Notes by eGurukul!: Gateway to NEET PG Exams


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