Mistakes to avoid for NEET PG preparation

Only a little time remains before NEET PG now. We are certain each medico like yourself is giving their best to revise and crack this examination. 

Each individual has their own ways of revising, and they know what works for them, and we always encourage unique learning styles; however, there are certain things we should not do during preparation. Here are the mistakes to avoid for NEET PG preparation. 

Avoid new topics

With so little time left for NEET PG, it is best that you prepare smart, not hard. By this, we mean focus on the topics you are familiar with and avoid new topics. 

It’d be best if you revise and make your familiar topics strong, and only then start preparing new topics. This is especially true for medicos who are starting late. Focus on high-yield topics, this way you’ll be sure that you are prepared for the NEET PG quickly. For quick revision, you can choose efficient courses like egurukul Revision eXpress. 

Avoid distractions

This has been true since the 1st grade and it still holds true. Avoiding distractions during your study session is essential for you to revise effectively. Distractions can seriously disturb your revision because it is almost impossible to focus on distractions around you. 

Therefore, make sure before you sit down for a study session, remove as many distractions as possible. 

Avoid unrealistic goals

There is no point in setting unrealistic preparation goals for yourself, as these will not aid in your revision but also will bring your confidence down when you cannot stick to them. By unrealistic goals, we mean creating a schedule in which you decide to study for 5 hours straight or give 2 grand tests back to back.

Despite these goals sounding great, they do little to nothing to aid you in your NEET PG revision. So, make sure you set realistic goals based on your performance and ability. 

Avoid unhealthy routine

When it comes time NEET PG revision, we understand you are willing to put your everything into it; however, you must also understand that it should not come at the cost of your health. We care for your results but we care more for your well-being. 

Therefore, make sure you are not introducing unhealthy habits during your NEET PG preparation. Get at least 8 hours of restful sleep each night and try to get as much fresh air as possible. Additionally, eat healthy meals throughout the day to retain energy. 

Just follow these tips and you’d be able to revise for NEET PG without any major issues and also will be able to prepare better. Good luck. 

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