Important Update: NEET PG New Pattern Changes & Enhanced Test Features!

Dear Students,

We are excited to inform you that the NBE has introduced new pattern changes to the NEET PG exam. To help you get the most authentic test experience, we have incorporated these changes into our upcoming Grand Test on 26th May. Please note that these new pattern changes are only available on the Web ( and not on the Mobile App (Android, iOS).

New Test Pattern Changes:

  • 5 Sections of 40 Questions and 42 Minutes Each: The exam is now divided into 5 sections: A, B, C, D, and E, each containing 40 questions and lasting 42 minutes.
  • Section Navigation: You will see sections A, B, C, D, and E at the top of your screen. The currently active section will be highlighted in blue.
  • Restricted Section Movement: You cannot move back to a previous section. You can only proceed to the next section once the timer for the current section expires.
  • Section Review: You can only review questions within the current section. The timer at the top will show the remaining time for the current section.

Other Enhancements for a Better Test Experience:

  1. Guess Option: If you feel you are guessing a question, you can mark it as “I’m Guessing this question.” This will help you review your guessed questions after submission.
    • Note: You will be marked according to your attempt.
  2. Mark for Review Option: You can now use the “Mark for review” option to mark a question. These questions will be distinctly marked on the right panel to assist in your review.
    • Note: You will be marked according to your attempt.
  3. Updated Question Palette: We have updated the question palette on the right side of your screen to match the actual test format. You will see the status of your questions as Answered, Not Answered, Not Visited, Marked for review, and Answered and Marked for Review.

We believe these changes will significantly enhance your test preparation and provide a closer experience to the actual NEET PG exam. Make sure to visit our website ( to take the upcoming Grand Test and experience these updates firsthand.

Best of luck with your preparation! For any queries please feel to reach out to us :
Mail :
Call : +916360612121

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