Why do patients choose one doctor over another?

The importance of a doctor can never be fully appreciated. All the hard work they put in, all the challenges they go through, and all the sacrifices they make. Doctors are essential pillars of our society, that keeps us afloat once we slip from the raft of health. However, when we get sick, we choose one doctor over the other.

Let’s say you got a sore throat ( I understand that you are a medico, but let’s pretend you have no connection with the medical world), and you decided to get treated by one doctor over the other. Why? Is it because of word of the mouth? budget? or their sheer number of successful treatments?

What makes a Good Doctor?

As a medical student, you must be thinking to yourself, “Well, obviously, the one who knows the best treatment and understand his patient’s condition”. You are absolutely correct! But objectively.

When it comes to the deciding factor from a patient’s perspective, things like friendliness, explanation, and approach to the condition become far more important and valuable than the actual treatment.

Empathy plays a huge role because patients feel vulnerable when they are sick. Undoubtedly, there are significant exceptions to these but for regular check-ups, empathetic behavior is what makes a good doctor.

Wait a Minute.. What about Publicity?

You are not wrong for thinking that if a doctor has been in business for long, there are bound to be more patients going to him than say a new doctor on the block.

But once again, how well a doctor behaves and of course treat their patient in the clinic, encourages patients to publicize them.

As a medical student, you must understand that treating patients like a slab of diseased meat is only viable within the educational world of a medical college. Once you are out as a doctor, treating patients as humans becomes vital.

Never underestimate the patient experience.

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