Everything you need to know about NEET PG 2023

neet pg 2023

Half-knowledge is worse than ignorance.

-Thomas B. Macaulay

This quote speaks volumes because you must have the entire knowledge to do your best, especially when it is for a competitive medical PG examination like NEET PG 2023. Here, by everything, we do not mean the entire syllabus, but knowing the essentials like the latest exam pattern, high-yield topics, and more. 

Let’s explore what you need to know about NEET PG 2023.

Important Information

NEET PG 2023 will be held on March 5, 2023. This date has been officially announced by The National Board of Examination in Medical Sciences (NBEMS). For 2023, NEET PG will be exclusively conducted digitally, i.e., it’ll be a computer-based examination. 

You will be given exactly 3 hours and 30 minutes to complete the examination. If it seems like a lot of time, it is not because you’d need to answer questions worth 800 marks based on all 19 M.B.B.S subjects. 

High-Yield Topics

Unsure where to begin your revision for NEET PG? Then look no further than high-yield topics because these will ensure that you are revising the most weightage of the examination.
Still, it is a good idea to begin with your strong subjects and then revise from there to your weaker subject. As for the NEET PG/NExT high-yield topics, you can watch our videos here. 

As for the subject-wise weightage, 200 questions from different subjects will appear on the question paper. This is how many questions you can expect from each subject:

Anatomy (17) 

Physiology (17)

Biochemistry (16)

Pathology (25)

Pharmacology (20)

Microbiology (20)

Forensic Medicine (10)

Preventive Medicine (25)

General (45)

General Surgery (45)

Obstetrics and Gynecology (30)

Pediatrics (10)

ENT (10)

Ophthalmology (10)

Marks Distribution

You may already be familiar that NEET PG consists of MCQs; however, the marking is done in a way that is similar to any other competitive examination of this scale, i.e., there is a negative marking. For each question you get right, you’ll get 4 marks but for every wrong answer, 1 mark will be deducted. Interestingly, no marks are deducted if you leave a question unanswered. 

Therefore, the best approach is to answer the questions you are absolutely sure about. You can always go back to the questions you missed; however, focus on the ones you know you have the answer to. 

These are the important things that you need to know about NEET PG. Apart from these just focus on your revision and make sure you are not making any of these mistakes during your preparation. Best of luck!

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