ENT High Yield Topics for FMGE Dec’22

FMGE Dec’22 is almost here and right now you should place your entire focus on its revision, even for short subjects like ENT. 

Despite ENT being a short subject, it can become challenging to revise it completely. This is why it is essential that you focus on revising its high-yield topics for FMGE Dec’22. 

ENT High Yield Topics for FMGE Dec’22

All of these topics are chosen by our Gurus through their teaching experience and by analyzing the latest FMGE question paper. 

Also, here’s an excellent overview video on ENT by our Guru. 

1) Ear-related topics

Ear-related topics are asked quite heavily in FMG examinations. Important topics that appear in FMGE question papers are:

  • Anatomy of the middle ear
  • Otosclerosis
  • Tuning fork
  • Audiometry & tympanometry
  • Meniere’s disease
  • Glomus tumour
  • Surgeries of the ear
  • Acute Suppurative Otitis Media (ASOM)
  • Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media (CSOM)
  • Cochlear implant
  • Fistula test

As you can see, ear-related topics are quintessential to revise for FMGE Dec’22. Therefore, make sure you don’t skip these.

2) Tonsil anatomy

T stands for the throat in ENT, tonsils are something that you’ll observe and even experience yourself from time to time. Hence, this is yet another high-yield topic for FMGE Dec’22. 

3) Anatomy and palsy of the facial nerve

This topic covers motor, sensory, and parasympathetic (secretomotor) nerve fibers, plus it provides innervation to many regions of the head and neck, making it a high-yield topic for FMGE Dec’22. 

4) Tracheostomy

Just as tracheostomy can be life-saving in critical conditions, it can also be life-saving for the FMGE Dec’22. Ensure that you revise this topic thoroughly. 

5) Larynx

This hollow tube that is crucial for breathing is another topic that is quite important for FMGE Dec’22. Sub-topics under larynx are:

  • Larynx anatomy 
  • Laryngeal growth(benign)
  • Laryngeal carcinoma
  • Laryngitis

6) BERA and OAE

Brain Evoked Response Auditory and Otoacoustic Emissions tests are related to hearing, particularly in children; however, it is a high-yield topic for FMGE Dec’22 that should not be skipped. 

7) Nose-related topics

Similar to the ear, the nose is another fundamental topic in ENT that should not be skipped. These are the nose-related topics that you must revise for FMGE Dec’22:

  • Sinusitis and Mucormycosis
  • Lateral wall of the nose anatomy
  • Rhinoscleroma
  • Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
  • Nasal polyps
  • Inverted Papilloma
  • Angiofibroma

8) Epistaxis

Although nosebleeds are specifically considered a nose-related topic, these also cause complications in the ear and throat, often leading to emergency hospital visits. With that said, make sure you mark this topic as important for FMGE Dec’22. 

9) Fractures of the Maxilla and Mandible

A pair of crucial bones and the largest bone in the human skull, these two topics are important for FMGE Dec’22. Fractures of the maxilla and mandible are often repeated in FMG examination. 

10) BPPV

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo or BPPV is the most common cause of vertigo and also a common topic that is likely to appear on FMGE Dec’22. So, revise it as well. 

Yes, these are quite a lot of topics for a short subject like ENT; however, these will help you score better in ENT for FMGE Dec’22. 
If you are looking for high-yield Radiology topics for FMGE Dec’22, you can find them here.

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