Make your preparation more special with eGurukul “Clinical Wednesdays”

Imagine, you are writing the NEET PG Exam, and while attempting the question, you get stuck with an question that is clinical-based.

You keep thinking, and thinking.. and when the clock strikes to 12:15, you realise that there are more questions to attempt. In that time crunch, it becomes difficult for you to read and understand the problem, in result you fail to answer.

So, to save the students from this situation, eGurukul has started “CLINICAL WEDNESDAYS” covering all 19 subjects to make your Clinical-Based Questions Trouble-Free to solve.

Aspirants will get 1 Clinical Case every Wednesday, starting from 15th December 2021. 

Where to Buy???

eGurukul CLINICAL WEDNESDAYS inclusions

  • 52 Detailed Clinical Pre Recorded Cases
  • One case per week – On Wednesday
  • Duration of the course – 12 months (1 year)
  • Combination of short and long cases.
  • Division of cases per subject
  • New case will be released every Wednesday at 10 am.

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Trust DBMCI eGurukul to be your companion through your success journey because it promises to achieve your dreams.

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