Important and High Yield Topics for NEET PG 2021 – (Subject-Wise)

Important and High-Yield Topics for NEET PG 2021 will help the students crack India’s largest postgraduate medical entrance exam. The entrance exam will be held on 11th September 2021. So, the medical aspirants who are targeting NEET PG must prepare well to get their dream ranks. This article provides you with insights into the important topics of NEET PG 2021 (subject-wise), which has been analysed by our top-notch faculties based on their experience, and previous year question papers. 

Important Topics in Medicine-I for NEET PG 2021

Chronic Virus Sampling (CVS)

  • ECG Most Important – At least one question from the topic is expected (Important STEMI Vs NSTEMI)
  • Changes in electrolyte imbalances.
  • Arrhythmias – PSVT, AFIB, Atrial Flutter, V FIB
  • RHD- MS, MR, AS, AR with Murmurs, Mix
  • Pericardial Diseases
  • MI: particularly management
  • Infective Endocarditis: Duke Criteria
  • Classification of Shock: Approach based question. 


  • Approach to PFT, Dico, Volume Curves.
  • Pneumoconiosis: Particularly Asbestosis, HSP
  • Pulmonary Embolism: Approach and Radiology
  • Diagnostic Features of Sarcoidosis
  • Criteria and Ventilation Basics of ARDS


  • AKI: Criteria and Biomarkers
  • CKD: Manifestation and Stages. 
  • Glomerulonephritis- H/P (Very Important)
  • Renal Tubular Acidosis (Differences)


  • Approach to Malabsorption
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease: CD Vs UC Vs GI TB: Extraintestinal Manifestations.
  • Viral/Alcoholic/Auto-Immune Hepatitis: Criteria and its differences.
  • Acute Pancreatitis, Revised Atlanta, Classification, Criteria, Mix

NEET PG Anatomy Important Topics

  • Parasympathetic Ganglion and Sympathetic Chain
  • Deep Cervical Fascia
  • Cavernous Sinus
  • Muscles of Mastication, Larynx, and extraocular (with image).
  • Great auricular and auriculotemporal nerve in relation to parotid surgery.
  • Spinal cord tracts, related lemniscus and BS Syndrome.
  • Brainstem Syndromes (especially Weber and Wallenberg).
  • Cerebral Areas (especially Broca’s Wernicke’s and Limbic Lobe)
  • White Matter (specially fornix and internal capsule)
  • Cranial Nerve Nuclei and Columns
  • Germ Layer Formation and Neural Crest Cells Derivatives
  • Pharyngeal Arches and Arch Arteries.
  • Genital Duct Derivatives
  • Diaphragm (development and gross)
  • Interior of heart, surface marking, and coronary circulation.
  • Muscles attached to the upper end of the humerus and hand muscles (specially interossei)
  • Peripheral Nerve Injuries (Radial, Ulnar, and Median)
  • Muscle attached to the upper end of the femur
  • Sciatic Nerve
  • Peritoneum (especially lesser sac and epiploic foramen)
  • Perineum
  • Histology- Cartilages, Skeletal Muscles, Lymphoid Organs, Seromucous Glands)

Medicine-II Important Topics for NEET PG 2021


  • Vasculitis: CHAPEL HILL Classification (Most Important)
  • SLE, Systemic Sclerosis, RA, Gout
  • Behcet’s Disease
  • Wilson’s
  • Hemochromatosis


  • Pituitary Adenoma, Sheehan Syndrome
  • Lymphocytic Hypophysitis
  • Galactorrhea- Amenorrhea Syndrome
  • Disorders of Calcium Metabolism
  • MEN Syndromes
  • Diabetes: Mx, MODY (to be done with Pharmacology)


  • Localisation of Pathology (Most Important)
  • Specific EEG Changes, Stroke: Approach, Mx , Window
  • Epilepsy: Causes, Mx (to be done with Pharmacology)
  • Dementia and Movement Disorders.
  • Multiple Sclerosis, ADEM
  • Myasthenia Gravis

Fluid and Electrolyte Balance (Numericals, Mx)

  • Metabolic Acidosis
  • Metabolic Alkalosis
  • Respiratory Acidosis
  • Respiratory Alkalosis
  • Hypercalcemia
  • Hyperkalemia

Paediatrics Important Topics for NEET PG 2021

  • Milestones
  • Short Structure
  • HMD and TTNB
  • Neonatal Reflexes
  • HIE
  • Neonatal Resuscitation
  • Cong Heart Diseases
  • NTD
  • Febrile Seizures
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Epilepsy
  • Brain Tumors
  • Neurocutaneous Syndromes
  • Glomerulonephritis
  • Nephrotic Syndrome
  • Cong Cystic Kidney Diseases
  • VUR
  • Celiac Disease
  • HPS
  • Dehydration Treatment Children
  • Reye Syndrome
  • Laryngomalacia
  • Croup
  • Bronchiolitis
  • Cystic Fibrosis
  • Leukaemia
  • Neuroblastoma
  • HIV in children
  • Tb Management Children (Common Childhood Infections such as Measles, Chicken Pox, Mumps).
  • Cong Hypothyroidism
  • Pubertal Disorders

NEET PG Pathology Important Topics

General Pathology

  • Cell Adaptation (Example Reversible and Irreversible Injury Mechanism, Eg of Necrosis, Apoptotic Genes and Markers, Pigments and Lipofuscin free radicals.
  • Inflammation, Cellular events of inflammation, mediators of inflammation, examples and types of granuloma.
  • Immunity NK Cell, TLR, APCs, MHCs, Hypersensitivity reactions, Graft rejection, Amyloidosis.
  • Hemodynamics (Types of Thrombosis, Infarct, Septic Shock
  • Neoplasia (Cell Cycle, Important Oncogenes, and TSG, Tumor Markers, IHC
  • Genetics (Human Genome Project, Eg of Mendelian, Disorders, Non-Mendelian Disorder, New Techniques, FISH, Microarray. 


  • WBC Disorders
  • WHO 2018 Classification of Acute Leukemia, CMPN, Lymphomas, Acute Leukemia- stains, CD Markers, NHL-CLL, Burkitts, Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.
  • RBC Disorders, Hereditary Spherocytosis, GBPD def, Thalassemia, and sickle cell anaemia, IDA
  • Platelets
  • Defects in primary and secondary plug inherited thrombophilia.

Robbins 10th Edition Update

  • CRISPR/CAS9 System
  • ONCO Metabolism
  • Ferroptosis
  • Checkpoint Inhibitors

Surgery-I Important Topics

  • Trauma- Primary Survey concept, Thoracic trauma, Various types of Thoracotomies.
  • Investigation of abdominal trauma.
  • Retroperitoneum Zones
  • Transfusion, Protocol

General Surgery

  • Complications of TPN
  • SSI Risk factors and prevention
  • Compartment Syndrome
  • Necrotizing soft tissue infection (Fournier Gangrene)
  • Laparoscopic surgery principal and disadvantages
  • VAC Dressing
  • Day case surgery
  • Suture Material
  • PPE


  • Classification of Burns and How to identify particular degree in linage
  • Inhalation Burn Signs


  • CA Breast Staging/Molecular Classification and Newer Gene Testings


  • Approach to thyroid nodule
  • Prognostic Scores
  • Papillary Thyroid CA Features
  • Thyroglossal Cyst
  • Parathyroid
  • Miami Criteria
  • Men Syndrome

Incidentaloma Management


  • Renal Stone Management
  • Paraneoplastic Syndrome with RCC
  • Testicular Malignancy Staging and Management
  • Torsion Testis

Microbiology-II Important Topics

  • HPV
  • Influenza Virus and Flu like illnesses
  • Rabies
  • Viral Exanthems
  • Hepatitis and HIV Viruses
  • Viral Hemorrhagic Fever
  • Microbial Agents of Bioterrorism
  • Agents of Food Poisoning
  • Diarrheagenic Escherichia Coli
  • Enteric Fever
  • Gas Gangrene
  • Actinomycosis and Nocardiosis
  • Rickettsial Infections
  • Ulcerative Genital Diseases: Syphilis, LGV, Chancroid
  • Bacterial and Viral Agents of Meningitis

NEET PG Microbiology-I Important Topics

  • COVID-19
  • Sterilization and Disinfectant
  • BMW
  • HAIs, Types and MDR Organisms
  • Lab Acquired Infections
  • Hospital Infection Control Practices including standard precautions
  • Hypersensitivity
  • Immunodeficiency diseases
  • Tuberculosis and anti tubercle agents
  • Lab diagnostic methods of infectious diseases from basic staining to molecular methods.
  • Vector Borne Diseases
  • Dermatophytes
  • Candidosis
  • Mycetoma
  • Rhinosporidiosis
  • Microsporidiosis
  • Dimorphic Fungi
  • Cryptococcosis
  • Aspergillosis and Zygomycosis
  • PCP
  • Antifungal Agents
  • Amoebiasis
  • Leishmaniasis
  • Plasmodium
  • Crypto, Cyclo and Isospora
  • Cysticercosis
  • Echinococcosis
  • Schistosomiasis
  • Intestinal Nematode Infections
  • Filariasis
  • Herpes Virus

Pathology-II Important Topics

Systemic Pathology

  • CVS
  • Vascular Sclerosis
  • Histology of vasculitis
  • MI Microscopy Changes
  • Vegetations
  • Myxoma
  • Lungs
  • ARDS, Pneumoconiosis
  • Lung Ca
  • GIT Barrett’s, Celiac, and Whipple’s, Intestinal Polyps, IBD, Ca Stomach, and Intestine
  • Liver, Cirrhosis, Alcoholic Liver Disease, Hepatitis- Serology and Histology, HCC
  • Kidney Casts, Glomerular Diseases- PSGN, RPGN, MGN, IGA Nephropathy, Aplorts, Pyelonephritis, RCC
  • CNS (Congenital Malformations. Alzheimer’s Disease, CNS Tumors)
  • Endocrinology
  • Diabetic Nephropathy, Thyroid Ca. 
  • Pheochromocytoma
  • MEN Syndrome
  • Male and GUT
  • Tumor markers, Histopath finding of Seminoma, Yolk sac, Granulosa cell tumor
  • Breast, Invasive Ca- Classification- Molecular and Histological, Fibroadenoma
  • Skin (BCC Squamous Cell Ca Melanoma)
  • Soft Tissue Tumors (Histology and Mutations, Rhabdomyosarcoma)

Blood Banking and Transfusion Medicine

  • Storage temperature and indications of components.
  • Bombay Phenotype

NEET PG Dermatology Important Topics

Cacne and Related Disorders

  • Types of acne
  • treatment, treatment in pregnancy, 
  • retinoids, syndromes associated with acne

Hair and Disorders of Glands

  • Hair – Alopecia Areata Histopathology
  • Types Androgenetic
  • Alopecia classification (both male and female)
  • Minoxidil
  • Trichotillomania
  • Anagen and Telogen Effluvium
  • Types of scarring alopecia

Disorders of Glands

  • Fox-Fordyce Disease
  • Fordyce spots
  • Types of miliaria
  • Hidradenitis Suppurativa Grading and Treatment
  • Bromhidrosis
  • Chromhidrosis

Disorders of Pigmentation

  • Melasma
  • Vitiligo
  • Riehl’s Melanosis
  • Alkaptonuria 
  • Drugs causing hyperpigmentation
  • Dowling Degos Disease
  • Halo Nevus
  • Nevus of Ota
  • Nevus Depigmentosus


  • Ichthyosis Vulgaris
  • X-Linked Ichthyosis
  • Collodion Baby
  • Palmoplantar Keratoderma
  • Blood Syndrome
  • Cockyane Syndrome
  • Xeroderma
  • Pigmentation, Marfan Syndrome
  • Tuberous Sclerosis and 
  • Neurofibromatosis

Vesiculobullous Disorder

  • Pemphigus: Vulgaris, Vegetans, Foliaceous
  • Senear Usher Syndrome
  • Histopathology
  • DIF Herpetiformis
  • Pemphigoid Gestationis
  • Epidermolysis Bullosa Acquisita Anti p200
  • Pemphigoid
  • Histopathology and DIF
  • Epidermolysis Bullosa Types
  • Nikolsky Sign Types
  • Lutz Sign


  • Bacterial- Folliculitis, Impetigo, Ecthyma
  • Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome
  • Erythrasma, Pitted Keratolysis, Trichomycosis axillaris
  • Cutaneous tuberculosis and tuberculosis
  • Recent drugs in the treatment
  • Buruli ulcer
  • Swimming pool granuloma
  • Pseudomonas infections


  • Dermatophytosis
  • Tinea nigra
  • Mycetoma
  • Sporotrichosis
  • Candidiasis


  • Herpes Infection
  • Herpes Zoster and 
  • Varicella Zoster
  • EBV Infections Erythema Infectiosum
  • Roseola Infantum 
  • Fever with rash
  • Measles


  • Scabies
  • Pediculosis
  • Loiasis
  • Schistosomiasis
  • Cutaneous Larva Migrans
  • Cutaneous Larva Currens

STI and Leprosy

  • Types of Syphilis
  • Description of each ulcer
  • VDRL Types
  • Chancroid Microscopy
  • Groove Sign
  • Donovan Bodies
  • Gamna Favre Bodies
  • STI Kits
  • Treatment of each
  • Congenital Syphilis


  • Types
  • Histopathology
  • Treatment Regimens
  • Colour of kits used
  • Reactions
  • Lucio Leprosy and Histoid Leprosy
  • Grenz Zone


  • Sweet Syndrome
  • Behchet’s Syndrome
  • Reiter’s Syndrome
  • Pyoderma Gangrenosum
  • Darier’s Disease
  • Hailey Hailey Disease
  • Diabetic Dermopathy
  • Erythema Toxicum
  • Neonatorum
  • Transient Neonatal Pustular Melanosis
  • Sclerema Neonatorum
  • Cutaneous signs of hyper and hypothyroidism
  • Beau’s lines
  • Onychocryptosis
  • Hirsutism
  • SJS
  • TEN
  • Erythema Multiforme


  • Antifungals
  • Anti Scabietic
  • Sunscreens
  • Antileprosy Drugs
  • SPF
  • Burow Solution
  • Antiperspirants
  • Potassium Iodide
  • Finger tip unit
  • Adverse effects of Corticosteroids
  • Minoxidil
  • Finasteride
  • Antiandrogens
  • Eflornithine
  • Retinoids
  • Biologics
  • Dupilumab
  • Recent FDA approved drugs for dermatological conditions Condy’s Solution
  • Signs in dermatology

Image-Based Questions

  • Try to see the images of important skin conditions before the day of the exams. 
  • Few important Histopathology Pictures are also important.

Dermatology – Important Topics


  • Melanocytes
  • Langerhans cells
  • Epidermal Melanin Unit
  • Odland Bodies
  • Acantholysis
  • Parakeratosis
  • Spongiosis
  • Merkel cells
  • Tzanck Smear
  • Wood’s Lamp
  • Stains
  • Lasers and Wavelengths

Papulosquamous Disorders

  • Psoriasis- Types, Auspitz Sign, Histopathology
  • Goeckerman Regimen
  • Weinstein Frost Regimen
  • Guttate Psoriasis
  • Psoriatic Arthritis Classification and types
  • Pustular Psoriasis and types

Lichen Planus

  • Clinical Features
  • Wickhnam’s striae
  • Histopathology Findings
  • Grispan Syndrome

Pityriasis Rubra Pilaris

  • Grififth’s Classification
  • Clinical Features
  • Histopathology

Pityriasis Rosea

  • Clinical Features
  • Herald Patch
  • Christmas Tree Pattern

Nutritional Disorders

  • Pellagra
  • Scurvy
  • Acrodermatitis Enteropathica
  • Keshan disease
  • Hypervitaminosis


  • Recent Eular Criteria
  • Signs
  • Autoantibodies
  • Drug-Induced SLE
  • Neonatal LE
  • Raccoon Sign
  • Systematic findings


  • Morphea Types
  • Systematic Findings
  • Rodnan Score
  • CREST Syndrome
  • Autoantibodies

Dermatomyositis and Mixed Connective Tissue Order

  • Gottron’s Sign
  • Different Cutaneous Signs
  • Bohan and Peter Classification
  • Autoantibodies
  • Risk and Type of Malignancy
  • SHARP Syndrome


  • Atopic Dermatitis: Hanifin and Rajka Criteria
  • Hygiene Hypothesis
  • Distribution of lesions in infants and children
  • Recent Drugs for treatment
  • Differences between allergic contact dermatitis and irritant contact dermatitis and irritant contact dermatitis
  • Patch test
  • Prick test
  • Types of hypersensitivity
  • Parthenium Dermatitis


  • Osteoporosis
  • Rickets
  • Polytrauma Management
  • Open Fractures
  • Implants
  • Fracture, Supracondylar
  • Colles
  • Monteggia
  • Galeazzi
  • Neck of Femur
  • Knee Injuries
  • Ankle Injuries
  • Splint for nerve injuries
  • GCT, ABC, UBC, Osteosarcoma, Ewings
  • Soft Tissue Affection
  • Pott’s spine, Hip, Knees
  • Deformities
  • Splints/Tractions and Instruments/Implant in Ortho

NEET PG Pharmacology Important Topics

General Pharmacology

  • Bioavailability and absorption concept
  • Volume of distribution
  • First and Zero Order Kinetics
  • Dose-response curve
  • Management of anaphylaxis
  • Teratogenicity and category K
  • Clinical Trials
  • Drug schedules
  • Antidotes for drug toxicity

ANS Pharmacology

  • Adrenaline dilution and uses
  • Atropine uses
  • Effects of adrenaline, noradrenaline, isoprenaline, dopamine, and dobutamine of heart, blood vessels and their therapeutic uses.
  • Pharmacotherapy of overactive bladder, Glaucoma
  • Beta blockers


  • Drugs for motion sickness
  • Prostaglandin preparation and its uses.
  • Aspirin pharmacology
  • Paracetamol toxicity and antidote
  • Pharmacotherapy of Gout, Migraine and Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Remember newer drugs with mechanisms of action. 

CVS Pharmacology

  • Mechanisms of action of nitrates in angina and newer drugs for angina.
  • Digoxin Pharmacology
  • Drugs decreasing mortality in chronic CHF and newer drugs used in CHF.
  • Pharmacotherapy of Hypertension based on comorbid conditions.

Endocrine Pharmacology

  • Insulin preparations
  • Metformin
  • DPP IV Inhibitors 
  • SGLT 2 Inhibitors
  • Bromocriptine and Octreotide uses
  • Bisphosphonates MOA and uses
  • Drugs used in crushing disease
  • Pharmacotherapy of BPH, Erectile Dysfunction and androgen receptor antagonists.
  • Tamoxifen, Raloxifene, and Clomiphene citrate.
  • Emergency contraceptives

Antimicrobials: Antibacterial Drugs

  • Mechanism of action of all antimicrobial groups.
  • Treatment of choice for all infections. 
  • Treatment of MRSA, Pseudomonas, CAP, STDs, Malaria
  • Antimicrobials safe in renal failure and hepatic failure.
  • Recent Guidelines for TB, Leprosy, and HIV Treatment. 
  • Pharmacology of first-line anti TB Drugs. And Bedaquiline, Delamanid Pharmacology
  • Antimicrobials safe in pregnancy. 

Respiratory Pharmacology

  • Beta 2 Agonists, Anticholinergics and inhaled corticosteroids.
  • Pharmacotherapy of pulmonary hypertension.

GIT Pharmacology

  • PPIS and H. Pylori eradication.
  • CINV and Motion Sickness treatment.
  • Drugs used for IBS.

Drugs affecting blood and Blood Formation

  • MOA of anticoagulants, monitoring, and antidotes.

Anticancer drugs

  • MOA and Major ADRs of anticancer drugs.
  • Drugs of breast cancer.
  • New anticancer drugs. 

Immunomodulators Drugs

  • Tacrolimus
  • Cyclosporine
  • Sirolimus and Interleukin and 
  • TNF alpha antagonist.

NEET-PG Pharmacology-I Important Topics 

General Pharmacology

  • Bioavailability and Absorption concept
  • Volume of distribution
  • First and Zero-order kinetics
  • Dose-response curve
  • Management of Anaphylaxis
  • Teratogenicity and category X
  • Clinical Trials
  • Drug schedules
  • Antidotes for drug toxicity.

ANS Pharmacology

  • Adrenaline dilution and uses.
  • Atropine uses
  • Effect of adrenaline, noradrenaline, isoprenaline, dopamine, and dobutamine on the heart and blood vessels and their therapeutic uses. 
  • Pharmacotherapy of OP Poisoning.
  • Pharmacotherapy of overactive bladder, Glaucoma.
  • Beta-blockers.


  • Drugs for motion sickness.
  • Prostaglandin preparations and uses.
  • Aspirin Pharmacology
  • Paracetamol Toxicity and Antidote.
  • Pharmacotherapy of Gout, Migraine and Rheumatoid Arthritis (remember newer drugs with their mechanism).

CVS Pharmacology

  • Mechanism of action of nitrates in angina and newer drugs for angina.
  • Digoxin Pharmacology
  • Drugs decreasing mortality in chronic CHF and newer drugs used in CHF. 
  • Pharmacotherapy of Hypertension based on comorbid conditions.

Endocrine Pharmacology

  • Insulin preparations
  • Metformin
  • DPP IV Inhibitors
  • SGLT 2 Inhibitors

Psychiatry Important Topics for NEET PG Preparation

  • PTSD and Panic Disorder
  • Mental State Examination: Delusion  Hallucination
  • Schizophrenia: Types, Bleuler’s 4 A
  • Treatment
  • Depression: Symptoms
  • Mania: Types and Treatment (lithium)
  • Anxiety: Types of Phobia
  • OCD: Definition
  • Substance use disorder: alcohol withdrawal symptoms
  • Sleep Disorders: names of REM and NREM sleep disorders.
  • Sexual Disorders: Premature Ejaculation IT
  • Psychoanalysis structural theory of mind.
  • Delirium
  • Dementia

NEET Physiology Important Topics

  • Total Body Water
  • RMP and AP
  • Transport across cell membranes
  • Properties of nerve
  • Skeletal Muscles Physiology
  • Excitation contraction coupling molecular basis.
  • Haemoglobin, Jaundice, Erythropoiesis
  • Immunity, Abo Grouping
  • Properties of cardiac muscle.
  • ECG
  • Cardiac Cycle and Phases
  • Hemodynamics
  • BP and its regulation
  • Lung Volumes and Capacities
  • Transport of Gases
  • Neural Regulation of respiration
  • Applied Respiratory Physiology
  • Selection of GIT
  • Digestion and Absorption
  • GI Motility
  • Urine Formation
  • Renal Blood Flow, GFR
  • Tubular Function
  • Concentration and Dilution of urine
  • Acid-Base regulation, micturition
  • Hormone receptor interaction
  • Pituitary and Hypothalamus
  • Thyroid and Adrenal Gland
  • Calcium Homeostasis
  • Pancreatic Hormones
  • Synapse, Memory
  • Sensory and Motor Physiology
  • Special Senses
  • Cerebellum, Basal Ganglia
  • Sleep and ECG
  • Exercise Physiology

PSM Important Topics for NEET PG 2021

  • Epidemiology: Types of studies, Trials, Meta-analysis, Evidence-Based Medicine.
  • Health and Disease: PQLI/HDI, Types of Epidemic, ICD-10/11
  • Vaccine and Cold Chain: Types of vaccine, immunization schedule, AEFis
  • History of Medicine: Name of the scientist
  • Screening: Sensitivity, Speciality, Screening Test, Validity, ROC
  • Communicable Disease: Measles, Rubella, TB, HINI, Covid, HIV, Hep, A/E
  • NCD: Obesity Indices, Blindness
  • National Health Programmes: RNTCP, NVBDCP, NREGA, PNDT, NACP, NLEP
  • Demography: Census, Indicators, Definitions
  • Nutrition: RDA, Mid-Day Meal, Reference Men/Women, Def. Disease
  • Preventive Obstetrics: Values, ICDS, JSSK, RCH
  • Contraception: Pearl Index, MTP, 3rd Generation, Contraception
  • Environment: Chlorination, Entomology, Waste Disposal BMW
  • Health Communication: Lectures, FGD
  • Health Care: Health Centre, Primary Health Care, Health Committee, Management Technique
  • Occupational Health: ESI Lead Poisoning, Pneumoconiosis
  • Biostatics

OBS and Gynae Important Topics for NEET PG 2021

OBS Topics

  • Physiological Changes in Pregnancy
  • Aneuploidy Screening
  • Hypertension
  • Diabetes
  • Aph
  • Pph
  • Miscarriages
  • Cervical Incompetence
  • Molar Preg
  • CTG, Partogram, Labour


  • Congenital Mulleria
  • Mullerian Malformation
  • Amenorrhea
  • PCOS
  • Fibroid, Endometriosis
  • Contraception
  • Cervical Cancer, Ovarin, CA, Endometrial
  • Urogynecology

NEET PG Biochemistry Important Topics

  • Inborn errors of metabolism of peroxisomes
  • Hyperlipoproteinemias
  • Fat-soluble vitamins
  • Water-soluble vitamins
  • Post Transcriptional Modifications in RNA
  • Enzymes, Co-factors, and Coenzymes
  • Urea Cycle and Disorders associated with the urea cycle.
  • Transamination
  • Oxidative Deamination
  • Heme Synthesis and degradation
  • Dietary fibres
  • Translation, Replication, and Transcription
  • Phosphorylation and Phosphorylation of enzymes
  • Glycogen storage diseases
  • Phenylketonuria
  • Rothera Test, Ketone Bodies
  • Fuel for Body in fed, fasting and starvation
  • Diabetes and insulin
  • Thermogenic effect
  • Hybridization techniques

NEET PG Surgery-II Important Topics


  • Oesophagal perforation investigations
  • Mallory Weiss Tear
  • Barette’s Esophagus
  • Upper GI Bleed Approach
  • Postgastrectomy complications
  • Bariatric Six Indications
  • Classification of Bariatric Procedure
  • Modified Child-Pugh Score and MELD
  • Barcelona Clinic Criteria
  • Management of Bile Duct Injury
  • Tokyo classification
  • Management of ca gall bladder
  • Acute pancreatitis management
  • Risk factors of ca pancreas
  • Adynamic obstruction paralytic ileus
  • Colorectal Ca staging and management


  • Types of Mesh
  • Ventral Hernia Classification


  • Cleft Lip and Palate Repair

Frey’s syndrome

  • Types of neck dissection
  • Nerves at risk in sublingual/sub mandibular/parotid sx


  • Aortic Dissection
  • Risk factor for DVT
  • Ceap
  • Major risk surgeries
  • Maastricht Criteria in transplant

Ophthalmology Important Topics for NEET PG 2021

  • Surgeries of contract
  • OL Formula
  • POAG
  • Anit Glaucoma Drugs
  • Sympathetic Ophthalmitis
  • Endophthalmitis
  • Fundus Image
  • Bull’s eye Maculopathy
  • History of Retina
  • Aniscoria
  • Pupillary Reactions
  • Ocular Manifestations of systemic diseases
  • Test in squint
  • Proptosis
  • Chemical Injuries
  • Trauma
  • Investigating Tools in Ophthalmology
  • Corneal Transplantation Eye Banking
  • Tumours

Anesthesia Important Topics for NEET PG 2021

  • Breathing Circuits
  • Airway Equipment Devices especially LMA
  • Management of preexisting capnography
  • Newer Inhalational Agents
  • Iv agents especially propofol
  • Newer Muscle Relaxants
  • Local Anesthetic of current use
  • Complications and Ci of Central Neuraxis Blocks
  • Lung Protective Strategy for COVID ARDS
  • Anesthetic Management of COVID Patient

Forensic Medicine Important Topics for NEET PG 2021

Forensic Medicine

  • Identification
  • Medical Law and ethics
  • Postmortem changes
  • Mechanical Asphyxia
  • Sexual offenses


  • Heavy Metal Poisons
  • Agriculture poisons
  • Alcohol
  • Narcotics- Opium, Cannabis, and Cocaine
  • Focus on Sections of IPC, CRPC
  • Poisons that have specific antidotes
  • VIBE

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Cracking NEET PG will help the candidates to get admissions into MD/MS and other postgraduate diploma programmes at the most-coveted medical colleges across the country. 

We wish you all the best!!

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