COMMON PSM (Preventive and Social Medicine) Mnemonics for NEET PG

Suicide risk factorsSAD PERSONSSex: maleAge: young, elderlyDepressionPrevious suicide attemptsEthanol and other drugsReality testing/ Rational thought (loss of)Social support lackingOrganized suicide planNo spouseSickness/ Stated future intent
Pi: value to 31 decimal places  How I want a drink, alcoholic of course, after the heavy chapters involving quantum mechanics. One is, yes, adequate even enough to produce some fun and pleasure for an instant, miserably briefThe number of letters in each subsequent word of these two sentences give the value of pi to 3.141592653589793238462643383279Alternatively: If only want first 6 decimal places, use the sentence “How I wish I could calculate Pi! ” 
Informed consent: requirements, exceptionsSign this DOC before we can startDiscussionObtain agreementCoercion-free· Exceptions to informed consent are WIPE:WaiverIncompetentPrivilege (therapeutic privilege)Emergency
Hill criteria for causality Clowns Pursuing Epidemiology’ Commonly Behind The Silly Samples ConsistencyPlausibilityExperimentationBiological gradientCoherenceTemporalityStrength of associationSpecificity
Cigarette smoke: major carcinogens PANT Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbonsAromatic aminesNitrosaminesTar· Nicotine and Carbon monoxide are Non-Carcinogenic
Diseases for global eradicationSmall Person is Mr. DraculaSmallpoxPolioMeaslesDracunculiasis
Poisson distribution formula Formula is: ((m^n) * (e^-n) ) / n! MNEMONIc: M to the Nth power times E to the Minus nth Over N factorial· Note: the factorial (!) at the end is an inverted lowercase letter i.Accuracy of test: sensitivity vs. specificityseNsitivity of a test: related to the rate of false Negatives.sPecificity of a test: related to the rate of false Positives.· Alternatively written:seNsitive: No Non-Negatives.sPecific: Puny Psuedo-Positives
Alcohol withdrawal effectsSHIrTShakes/ Seizures/ Sweats/ Stomach pains (n/v)Hallucinosis (auditory)Increased vitals/ InsomniaTremens (delirium tremens-the lethal part)
Types of VaccinesSTARKSubunitToxoidAttenuated (live)RecombinantKilled (inactivated)
Antioxidant vitaminsACEVitamin AVitamin C andVitamin E
Diseases caused by Aedes aegyptiRosy Cheeks, Yellow DimpleRift valley feverChikungunyaYellow feverDengue
Live attenuated vaccines‘ ROME Is My Best Place To go Yet ‘RubellaOral polio vaccine (OPV)MeaslesEpidemic typhusInfluenzaMumpsBCGPlagueTyphoid oral vaccineYellow fever
Cereals and pulses and their lacking Amino acidCMPLCereals + Pulses = Complete food.Cereals have Methinone and Pulses have Lysine.When it comes to the deficient amino acid, just reverse it.
Passively immunized diseases with antiseraDetecTive BRGDiptheriaTetanusBotulismRabiesGas gangrene
Vitamin BThe RN Played Barcelona FCThiamineRiboflavinNiacin (nicotinic acid)PyridoxineBiotinFolic acidCyanocobalamin
Assessment of Nutritional StatusABCDEFGHA : Anthropometric StudiesB : Biochemical StudiesC : Clinical ExaminationD : Diet SurveysE : Ecological surveysF : Functinal StatusGH : Health and Vital Statistics
Polio Virus Strains OPV 1. type 1: O = Outbreaks of paralytic polio2. type 2: P = Potent antigenic strain3. type 3: V = Vaccine-associated polio
Notifiable DiseasesYellow CuPYellow feverCholeraPlague
The principle of Primary Health Care (PHC):I ACEI: Intersectoral co-ordinationA: Appropriate technologyC: Community participationE: Equitable distribution

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