Should you repeat a year for NEET Preparation?

Should you repeat a year for NEET Preparation?

NEET PG is the exam that scares most medical students to death, and to decide to drop a year for preparation is a very brave one. You have to take the big step, which bothers your family and the one you fear will make your friends laugh. You intend to lose a year to reappear for NEET PG. At the cusp of a significant decision, there is no other way but to study for NEET PG. It’s a big deal, and there are many things to be gained. You want to score more and accomplish your dream of going to the top college. You have a promise to keep, one that you made to yourself and your parents. 

However, the decision scares you. Different thoughts torment you: “What if I stop studying? What if my grades get worse? What if I lose?” These words buzzed in your mind; it was a melody that causes constant fear. But you do not need to worry. No matter what kind of person you think of (including you), the dropper has its advantages. You have the opportunity to become the head of NEET and enter the medical school of your dreams. This article enlists the advantages and disadvantages of dropping a year for NEET PG preparations, for you to make up your mind whether it is for you or not?


The Extra Time

The most significant advantage you have is the amount of time you get to cover the syllabus. The coverage of NEET PG is humongous, to put it simply, and the time never feels enough to cover it all. Most candidates end up rushing at a pace they can not match and fail to learn anything to cram everything. So, suppose you decide to drop a year early. In that case, it weaponizes you with enough time to study at your pace without any sort of burnout and be entirely devoted towards NEET PG preparations, hence time to cover the vast syllabus

Giving a practice NEET

If you decide early to drop a year to prepare for NEET PG, you can follow the path of many candidates who also decided to drop a year for NEET PG preparations. Due to the limitless attempts, one can pass NEET PG; you can give one attempt as a practice exam. Whatever your final score be, do not be affected by it, and instead, treat it as a tool to create a more precise plan for the following year.

Solidify your concepts

You must have heard that a tree is only as strong as its roots. The same idiom holds in the NEET PG examination as well. You cannot solve the clinical questions, the majority of NEET PG questions, if your basic concepts are unclear. Clear your concepts and attempt grand tests from eGurukul. Repeating a year gives you the chance to build upon concepts, solidify and concreting them, and make it easier to go through the clinical questions.

The extra confidence

Last but not least, when you drop a year for preparations, you inevitably devote a lot of time solving an uncountable number of questions. Giving multiple mock tests promotes acquiring more knowledge than someone having their first shot at the exam. And all of this gives you the much-required boost of confidence.


Lagging Behind a Year

The flip side of having extra time to prepare for the exam is that you will be a year behind most of your friends. You will have friends clearing NEET PG in the first attempt, and looking at them can be a very infuriating experience. But, you must calm yourself down at that moment and convince yourself that everyone has their path with their timelines; comparing yourself to others is not a good way of moving ahead.

Needs more patience and dedication

When you repeat a year to prepare for NEET PG, both you and your parents expect you to spend a significant part of your day studying and learning. Now, it is not very easy to keep your head buried inside books for one whole year. It requires complete dedication and immense focus to keep going without breaking down. To continue being motivated can get even more tough f you do not have a proper study plan, a structure, and time table for your day or if you do not have a robust support system. To help you with the preparation strategy, you can join some offline or online coaching classes.

The excess pressure

Repeating a year to concentrate all your energy on clearing NEET-PG is a lot like betting all at one place; the pressure of making sure that the basket does not fall and ruin everything is so immense that most people end up dropping the basket. Not just that, the pressure of all your relatives and friends being on your shoulder nagging you about your decision, plans, and exam preparations is frustrating, irritating, and downright moral weakening.


Those mentioned above were few pointers that can be the significant factors influencing your decision to progress with repeating a year. There is a possibility of different motives and views, but the basic crux of the situation remains the same. You can add your thoughts and chalk out pros vs. cons if there is a dilemma; the column having more incredible points could be your ultimate verdict.

Thinking about why you want to pursue this is the first step, because once you and your parents made a dream for you, now you should put it into practice. Whether you decide to drop a year or not, it is not going to be easy. Therefore, you must be quick and confident with your decision; the earlier you begin, the better are your chances at getting that postgraduate seat you so desperately want. 

The final decision has to be yours. Is it possible to pass NEET PG after repeating a year? Yes, it is. Can you do it? If you are determined enough, then you absolutely can.

All the best!

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