As the competition for the test intensifies year after year, you should devise a solid strategy for how to study for the NEET Exam in order to get a spot in one of the country’s best medical schools. If you haven’t studied enough up to this point, you’ll need to go above and beyond to figure out how to pass the NEET 2021 Exam. It may seem hard with such a large syllabus, but with a well-structured study strategy, you may easily pass the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test 2021. The following are some NEET 2021 preparation tips:

A Practical Timetable

There are bonafide examples of many students who were outstanding at studies but failed the NEET exam. One major cause was the lack of a well-thought-out NEET preparation strategy. Sticking to a strict schedule is the greatest method to prepare for NEET since it will help you stay focused on your objective. The extensive curriculum should also be meticulously arranged into a timeline so that you are able to complete the entire course on time. Make a precise assessment of your potential and a realistic NEET Preparation Time Table based on it.

Study as per the Latest Syllabus

Students must be aware of the most recent NEET Syllabus and prepare accordingly. Do not prepare for anything other than what is in the curriculum, because the NEET and Board syllabuses share certain common themes. You may prepare for these subjects for both the tests and use the rest of your time to focus on areas that are not included in the board curriculum but are vital for the entrance exam.

The NEET syllabus has 180 questions in total, divided into three parts: biology, chemistry, and physics. The biology part contains a total of 90 questions, whilst Chemistry and Physics each include 45 questions. The highest possible score is 720, which is divided into three parts: 360 for Biology, 180 for Chemistry, and 180 for Physics. For each correct response, 4 marks are granted, and for each incorrect response, 1 mark is deducted.

Practise questions

The importance of practicing questions for your NEET 2021 preparation cannot be overstated. Practice as many questions as possible for each of the three subjects. This will help you understand the kind of questions offered in each topic and determine how close you are to achieving your goal score. Vaguely practicing will be ineffective. Make timed sessions and aim to answer a set number of questions in a set period as this will assist you in meeting your deadline.

Create a personalised Study Style

We all study in different ways. Some students prefer to learn using images, while others try to apply principles to real-life situations. To pass the NEET 2021 test, choose whatever method works best for you.

Importance to Weak Areas

Many applicants have weaknesses in a variety of areas. Those who strive harder and conquer their weaknesses, on the other hand, are certain to succeed. As a result, you should focus on your fundamental ideas and devote more effort to your weak parts throughout your NEET Exam preparation.

Quick Notes for Revision

All your hard work and study will be for naught if you don’t revise. Revisiting previously studied chapters will not only help you recall the knowledge, but will also help you discover fresh aspects that were previously overlooked.

Making brief notes throughout NEET 2021 preparation is the most efficient strategy to save time during the test. Revising everything throughout the exam will be a dreadful effort. These brief notes will assist you in passing the exam. Writing brief notes helps your memory, so you’ll be able to recall information more readily throughout the exam.

Use mnemonics

Analogies might help aspirants recall vital knowledge. Analogies aid in the connection of specific parts of the brain to others and aid in the retention of knowledge by connecting new knowledge to previously learned knowledge. Important areas of chemistry, such as the periodic table, can be remembered via mnemonics.

Attempt Mock Exams

The time limit is the most difficult aspect of this Medical Entrance Exam. It takes a long time to answer 180 questions in 180 minutes. Taking practice examinations regularly can increase your confidence and assist you in determining the ideal paper-attempting technique to enhance your NEET Result score.

Avoid Guesswork

The National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test relies heavily on accuracy to be successful. When you are certain of the correct answers and mark them accurately in the OMR sheet, you can have a high level of accuracy. As a result, if you’re preparing for NEET 2021, don’t make any educated guesses regarding the answers to the questions. It can aid you in avoiding negative marking in the test, which may be dangerous because each incorrect attempt will result in a loss of one mark.


Making a plan is simple, but carrying it through takes skill. Determine your most productive hours and begin NEET 2021 preparation at those times. It is necessary to study for at least 12 hours a day to prepare for NEET 2021. To achieve a 650+ on the NEET 2021, you must invest 50% of your daily time to studying.


Alongside your NEET 2021 Preparation, you must also look after your physical and emotional health. Avoid junk food and have a healthy, balanced diet. Furthermore, your upbeat, proactive attitude will have a significant influence on your NEET preparation. You will not have the right to impose the exam if you have a casual and negative attitude. When you think positively, your brain works together to help you reach your goal.

All the best!

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